Nisvara Inc. is preparing to selling a high end P4 system that is 100% completely Silent. The retail price is expected to be around $3000 US, but they are still small enough to give personal service. For those of us doing Video and Audio work this is a godsend since we can now work near our computers. Till now several other companies have been trying to use slower fans, acoustic dampening, absorbing and baffling to try to quite computers down, The Nisvara system does away with all of this by using a unique passive design that not only silences the computer but allows it to operate cooler and with increased reliability.
VideoTechnology now has exclusive photos of one of the prototypes and has had some time to evaluate it.
Everyone has been very impressed and we can't wait to see one integrated with a high end video editing system

Click here for larger image
The current version uses a stock
Intel D845GRGL Motherboard
with a 2.53 GHz P4 CPU, this motherboard comes with onboard 100 MBps Ethernet Intel Graphic controller, Audio and USB.
Although they are considering changing the motherboard used in their first production run.
More information is available on there site :
Currently we are seeking people to contribute articles related to Digital
Video, MPEG2, MPEG4, DVC, DVD, Streaming , Video Conferencing and related topics.
Free Advertising is also welcome.
More info contact the Editor:
Economics of Video and the Internet
This is a comprehensive discussion about the money side of the Internet video business.
Read Article here
IPV6 Conference June 24-27
is the 'next-generation' protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current
version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ('IPv4'). This years big conference on
it will be in San Diego from June 24-27. See the North American Global IPV6 Summit site. I
hear rumor DARPA will be making a big announcement there."
Video Related Domains for Sale
| After the Video Conferencing Standard This is MPEG4 essentially.
These next three are named After the Philips TriMedia VLIW video processor The new Nexperia Part number The chip part number
The TriMedia is an excellent CPU with amazing performance for more info Click Here. I am also experience with developing for it.
More info contact the owner:
LiveCam Video Streaming Source Code Now Available
Source Code and technology from the original Livecam video server is
now available on a licensing basis, interested parties can find more information
at -
Error correction Technology over the Internet
Error Correction Internet Protocols (ECIP) is a new transmission protocol
for sending video across the Internet. The Inventor is now going to be making
it an opensource project. He is seeking collaborators for this project.
More information is available at -